Australian Biblical Review volume 7 (1959)

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Hort, Greta
The Death of Qorah (ABR 7, 1959) 2–26.

McCaughey, J. D.
The Intention of the Author: Some Questions about the Exegesis of Acts 6:1–6 (ABR 7, 1959) 27–36.

Gurewicz, S. B.
The Bearing of Judges 1–2:5 on the Authorship of the Book of Judges (ABR 7, 1959) 37–40.

Pollard, T. E.
The Fourth Gospel: Its Background and Early Interpretation (ABR 7, 1959) 41–53.

Lade, Norman
The Concept of Sin in the Law (ABR 7, 1959) 54–57.

Hebert, Gabriel
The Resurrection-Narrative in St Mark’s Gospel (ABR 7, 1959) 58–65.

Neely, Mary
A Broken Reed—The Legendary Greatness of Egypt (ABR 7, 1959) 66–68.

Stone, Michael
A Note on Daniel 1:3 (ABR 7, 1959) 69–71.

Morris, Leon
Judgement and Custom (ABR 7, 1959) 72–74.

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